Zorina Frey

Zorina Exie Jerome Frey has over a decade of publishing experience. She has edited and published for Indiana University South Bend’s Michiana Monologues nonprofit organization serving annual titles of president, director, editor, and Public Relations Associate.As a poet, Zorina’s work has been recognized by The White House. She was a semi-finalist for the TV pilot, America’s Next Great Author. Her work has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: I’m Speaking Now, Shondaland, Filter.org, Voyage MIA, Worcester Business Journal, Analecta, and New Views on Gender. Her poems and short stories have won several South Florida Writers’ Association awards. As a performance artist, she has been featured at the Miami Book Fair, Broward College’s Music, Film, Literature and Arts Festival, Miami Dade College’s Arts & Letters Series, and Lip Service: True Stories Out Loud.Zorina is also a spoken word performer with a background in improv. She has acted in commercials, co-hosted PBS WNIT Television’s campaign, and hosted the Mid-Day Morning Drive for WSMK 99.1 FM Radio in Buchanan, Michigan. Her small press, I.W.A. Publications was nominated as Young Adult Teen Readers’ Best Indie Publisher in 2013. I.W.A. Publications specializes in SEO content, graphic design, video, and consulting aspiring writers and experts on book publishing. She also founded 45 Magazine Literary Journal, an online publication.Zorina graduated from Indiana University South Bend with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications/Journalism along with a Web Design certificate. She then earned a certificate in Literary Publishing from Emerson College. Zorina is also an MFA Creative Writing candidate of Converse University; she’s certified in Google Analytics and a contributing editor for South 85 Journal.