Ramiro Vaughan Purpose
Ramiro is a street-wise dancer of many diverse styles. He began his training early at Boston Ballet. He then trained at Boston University's "Reach Program." He learned about professionalism in the dance world, how to work in groups, teach a class, become a better dancer and most importantly, how to be a leader. He also trained at Ballet Arts Centre of Winchester learning more technique and the responsibility of becoming a professional.
Ramiro is a member of LCTC (Lorraine Chapman The Company). He has both performed with, and taught for different schools and companies such as Boston University, Tony Williams Dance Center, Wilmington Dance Academy, Cambridge Performance Project, Chu-Ling Academy, among many others. Ramiro is working on building his own company called "BeUrselfYouth". The goal of "BeUrselfYouth" is to impact lives and empower individuals. To help young artists become strong leaders and positive influences. Ramiro says, "Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water, After enlightenment chop wood and carry water". It is with this philosophy that Ramiro instructs and mentors every one of his students.” Never stop learning or working hard at being the best you can be.”